All this is about to change of course with Invest 91L gearing up to make landfall a little further down the Florida coast on Wednesday. It will be a great opportunity for me to go sailing actually. That is if I can get all this stuff done. I have my lower stays to put up, a new anchor chain that I am waiting on, my monitor wind vane to go on the aft boomkin, my cap rail project and some more topside canvas.
Today I started out working again on my transducer for my fish finder.
I epoxied a 3" PVC pipe on the port side under the table, filled it with water and placed the transducer inside. I was going to and fro from the display each time I moved the transducer until I figured out that there is an audible signal of a fast clicking noise from the transducer when it is getting the right signal. I put another layer of epoxy down again to secure it and tomorrow I plan on filling the pipe with melted toilet ring wax instead of using water as a more permanent solution.
What you see here is my new Standard Horizon GX2200 VHF radio all boxed up waiting to be shipped back to Defender. I have been having problems with the off/on switch and today it finally died. I rang Yaesu who make it, but they told me to send it back to Defender. Defender were excellent and emailed me a UPS return label. I ordered a floating handheld Icom VHF in the meantime to carry me over until my new GX2200 gets here.
My dodger and bimini leak like mad and I was going to paint it but the Home Depot guy said that this stuff works like a charm to weather proof all kinds of stuff............we will see. I have tried these sprays in the past and they have been disappointing.....the jury is still out.
I rang my Yanmar guy to get him to do an engine alignment but he is not available anytime soon so I reached for my sailboat bible, Don Casey's "Complete Illustrated Sailboat Maintenance Manual" and in there it describes how to do it. Seemed simple enough so I got all I needed together as you can see in the photo above. That brown rusty coupling in the middle of the photo is the part you must separate to check the alignment. Well I couldn't get the nuts off the bolts, try as I may. Don Casey did say that if you can freely move the prop shaft by hand and there are no tight spots then it is at least roughly aligned. So I feel like I am OK for at least a short while. So it will have to do for now. As Scarlett O'Hara said, tomorrow is another day!