Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Florida Bound Day 2

It has been blowing like stink all night, with lightning and right now a squall is passing over with lots of rain

Lost my staysail and had to reattach the clew so now I am drenched. Lightning is scary when it's so close

Have tacked back towards the gulf stream to hopefully get a lift. I only hope that this terrible weather goes away

Boat is drenched inside. No wonder so many Cubans die trying to get across this horrible waterway. And this wx was supposed to be good

I tacked back north again because it was getting too rough out there even though I was nowhere near the Gulf Stream

I just tacked again and am hoping that this time I will be able to endure the washing machine effect of the Gulf Stream

My sea temperature gauge just went from 76 to 77 so I have just entered the west wall of the gulf stream.

Have switched off the engine and you wouldn't know I was on port tack. The GS is pushing me north at about 3 knots. What a great ride

When the gulf stream is good, she is very, Very good. When she is bad like last night, she is awful.

Strange that the GS has done a complete turn around. Even at noon it was horrid.

I tacked at the Gulf stream axis and have headed so far upwind that I am at a virtual standstill in the water but going 6 knots

Ride is comfortable and I am on the rhumb line. If I fall off and start sailing I will go out of the gulf stream and slow down

No moon tonight but it is not cloudy so the starry night is quite picturesque. What a world of difference from last night.

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